Monday, March 4, 2013

A Culture of Compliance

It feels to me like things have turned a corner over the past several weeks, with so many miners signing up to buy a permit. Holding a mining permit is normal. What better way to communicate the new highsec culture than with art? MinerBumping forum poster Vic created several posters for us. Enjoy!

Click here for the full-size version.

That looks very official, doesn't it? It looks like someone forged my signature!

Click here for the full-size version.

We're creating a community. Every miner should do his or her part to help the community by purchasing a permit. No one likes a scab!

Click here for the full-size version.

In a world with so many people trying to get rich quick with market shenanigans and other deceptions, isn't it refreshing to see good, old-fashioned, honest labor?

Bonus! Rennseslear X took a dip into the meme machine and produced this, which is highly consistent with the new culture of mining today:

Click here for the full-size version.

Permanent links to all supporter artwork may be found on the Links page.


  1. Haha those are actually pretty cool

  2. I swear that the guy in the final piece looks familiar to me, like I'd seen him in a movie or something, and he looks like he could be saying "One does not simply mine in highsec without a permit". They are all very good though.

    ---Alistair Drake

  3. Low-Sec Coalitions: I know we look like bad-ass pirates, but we're actually infested with carebears. Contact your local pirate gang for industry recruitment today!

  4. Those propaganda posters are so good they make me feel like becoming a miner just so i can buy a permit !


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