Sunday, December 14, 2014

Kills of the Week

We experience the world with five senses. What do those senses tell us about the New Order? The New Order looks cool. It sounds exciting. It feels good. It smells (obviously) like victory. And it tastes like... Well, I'm not sure we have a word yet for precisely how the New Order tastes. To summon the taste of the New Order in your mouth, consider these treats from the week of December 7th @ 00:00 EVEtime through December 13th @ 23:59 EVEtime.

If you're a rebel, all your highsec assets are forfeit. Blades of the Availment corp didn't see fit to avail themselves of the opportunity to buy mining permits, so their lost all their structures. Agents loyalanon, Sophia Soprano, and John E Normus popped this expensive Design Laboratory. The killmail doesn't look so expensive, but...

Inside were 8.3 billion isk worth of blueprints, just sitting there completely undefended. Luckily, these were recovered by our Agents and put to proper use. Now the assets of Blades of Availment will be used in service of the Code--which they should have been all along.

Drahir cooked up a fail-fit Raven and went AFK for 40 minutes on a stargate before he was eliminated by Agents Sophia Soprano, loyalanon, ELicken, Martyr Oira, and holdmybeer. Drahir's Raven was worth 6.7 billion isk. You see, the AFK Raven's cargo was filled with a sizable collection of blueprints. What's with all these carebears moving around blueprints these days? And going AFK with them?

Not to bury the lead or anything, but something really good happened in Hek this week.

Fleet commander loyalanon led our forces to victory once again. In the "Burn Hek" campaign, at least 44 freighters and 3 jump freighters were destroyed. It was a brilliant operation; the bot-aspirants of Hek were taken completely by surprise--even though probably all of them were quite familiar with the Code already.

machtnichts was one of the saddest cases. He had plenty of cash to buy a mining permit, but he decided to pretend the New Order doesn't exist. He lost everything.

Like some of the blueprint-heavy killmails we've been seeing lately, machnichts' freighter killmail on zKillboard went buggy, understating the quantity of some of the item stacks. An estimated 13 billion isk worth of cargo was destroyed.

...And that's not even counting machtnicht's 3.7 billion isk pod, which was also destroyed. The cost of rebellion is getting very high these days. Agents iZaEaRl, Jason Kusion, loyalanon, Jon Lucien, Aaaarrgg, Gallie Crendraven, Doomchinchilla, Xanicara, Rick Therapist, John E Normus, Tyson Litltntking, Koz Katral, Zombiepilot, Sly Ship, Pod-Goo RepoWoman, Kahvegi, Chocolate Mooses, Lament von Gankenheim, BoneyTooth Thompkins, Bashi Dallocort, mark verschoos, Alex Calden, Gucci Ormand, Fabulous Andy, Zaand Schtvaal, Gohman Patrouette, Keraina Talie-Kuo, Brutal Anna, Krominal, and Stalker ofeveryone were the heroes of this fierce PvP engagement.

ole buzzard was two jumps away from Hek, but he caught the attention of our Agents. Poor ole buzzard couldn't resist the temptation to put some cargo-expanding mods and rigs on his Orca. He needed the extra space, because he was carrying every single thing he owned. The result was an 8.4 billion isk Orca killmail.

Agents loyalanon, Zaand Schtvaal, Fabulous Andy, Zombiepilot, Pod-Goo RepoWoman, BoneyTooth Thompkins, Kahvegi, Sasha Cohenberg, Nanny State, Jason Kusion, Tyson Litltntking, Aaaarrgg, Randy McSoggybotto, Gucci Ormand, Chocolate Mooses, holdmybeer, Quaker Oatmeal, Pootispencer, Lament von Gankenheim, aki stormrider, Buhbye Rollard, Creepy Balloon Sphincter, and Anal Thunder happily destroyed the Orca and collected 5.6 billion isk of loot.

Yesterday we heard the story of a guy who lost everything he had by going AFK in an anti-tanked Bestower. Between that kill, the 8.4 billion isk Orca, the machtnichts debacle, the blueprint-carrying Raven, and the undefended blueprint Design Laboratory, I wonder if we're entering the phase of this war where the carebears are setting themselves on fire like monks. How else to explain such bizarre, self-destructive behavior? Bot-aspirancy, I suppose.

Agent PV Rock killed the aforementioned Bestower pilot and disposed of his blueprints. PV also popped the pod of the week. Yes, this means machtnichts' 3.7 billion isk pod wasn't the most expensive one killed.

Nor was Patriarch Avtomat Kalashnikov's 4.56 billion isk pod.

How about Celeena Swan's 4.57 billion isk pod, also killed by PV Rock? Not quite.

There we go: Racro Arifistan's 5 billion isk pod, elegantly sniped by PV Rock's Thrasher. Agent D400 may be gone, but something of his spirit must be in the blood that runs through PV Rock's veins.

In short, a very costly week for the forces of carebearism and rebellion. None of these kills would have been necessary, if the bot-aspirants simply purchased a permit for 10 million isk, followed the Code, and pledged their loyalty to me. Had enough yet, carebears? Look at these killmails and tell me you don't get the taste of the New Order in your mouth.


  1. What the heck was Drahir's Raven fit even supposed to accomplish? No rigs, a rainbow of ammo types in ungrouped launchers, a missing mid, and enough Power Diagnostics to light up Vegas for a century.
    That wasn't a gank so much as it was a mercy killing.

    1. Normally, I'd write off a big chunk of CODE kills as being general space-assholes, but I will second that.

      That raven needed to be liberated and purified with explosions.

  2. What happened to D400? I haven't been to Uedama in a while.

  3. After reading this KotW, I sense the taste of freshly uncorked Champagne.

  4. The New Order should just drop that Mining Permit idea for good and just gank everything that moves (since they do it anyway). More ganking, more expensive stuff destroyed, it's great for the economy!
    I want to personally thanks James for working so hard in making us rich :)

    1. Pilots with permits don't get ganked. Look up any pilot reported as ganked here and let us know if you see permit info in their bio. You won't find any. The NO is about a better highsec, not ganking. Don't confuse the means with the ends.

    2. Blasphemy. Mining Permits are an institution, as a tip of the hat to a long-established notion: That paying a token amount of money to a higher power inherently makes us better quality people. Those who do not pay this token amount of money, by comparison, are shitlords, and honestly and truthfully deserve to be destroyed, for the crime of being sub-human.

    3. permits have been revoked for being AFK WHILE DOCKED UP. Permits are useless...just another Jita isk doubling scam.

    4. Hogwash. Submit your proof of such things or toddle off back to the trash where you belong.

    5. Ming your head is so far up you rear end that is is in a different dimension is space-time from where it entered...

    6. Do you deny that paying a token amount of money for access to higher quality content makes you a better person than every other shitlord on the internet?

      Because, if you do deny it, you are wrong. And you deserve to be left to your fate. Luckily, James 315 is the one person in this universe who bucked the trend, looked fate in the eye, and refused. He said "No, I'm going to try to save these poor souls through education!" And set off to create his business.

      And every single day outreaches his hand to try to save you from the fate of being just another random lonely anonymous person locked in the cycle of bot-aspirancy and every day you spit in his face. You should be thanking James for at least attempting to save you from a fate worse than death.


      Permit voided for being AFK IN STATION!!!

      Permits - the most useless scam since getting your isk doubled in jita.

    8. Veers, are you really going to argue using a biased source like "ganker bumping" or whatever miners are using these days to argue against the Savior?
      Don't you expect that such a site would be dedicated to fabricating stories about the New Order as a motive for keeping their businesses alive?

      In the future I would appreciate it if you linked your proof using fair, proven and unbiased media sources such as TheMittaniDotCom, EveNews24, or The New Halaima Code of Conduct. If they can shed light on your claim, I suppose I could take you a bit more seriously.

    9. Attacking the source is kind of pathetic when there is a clear screenshot involved. Either confirm or deny the truth of the statement asserted, rather than making ad hominem attacks against the news source. Further, this is from the website of Gorila Venzaga, a CODE supporter and follower of James 315. He is part of the dark side, and not someone who would benefit from disparaging CODE.

    10. "I've seen CODE gank permit holders for not responding within 10 seconds in local."

      There it is. That's what Gorila Venzaga (who is neither a CODE supporter nor a follower of James 315, try to lie less Veers) is actually butthurt about. Yet another bot-aspirant all sore because he can't not-play the game by being afk. Yawn, old news.

    11. Veers, asking for a proper citation is not an attack on yourself, unless you go through mental gymnastics or are trolling. If it's the latter it's quite amusing, so you've achieved your objective there. If you want your argument taken seriously, please use a credible source.

      You should also know that Gankerbumping is primarily a site for entertainment just like this one, so the stories on there aren't necessarily true. So perhaps a correlation with say a discourse with another EVE player to support your point would perhaps allow your argument to hold some weight.

    12. @Veers
      Well, if you're going to give me a choice between confirming and denying your so-called "evidence," given your reputation, I am going to choose to deny those allegations, given that it is statistically more likely that you are fabricating them to defame the New Order. I'm not making that up- look at your posting history. How many "pro-New Order" statements have you made as opposed to how many "pro-falsehood" statements? I think the majority of the readers here can agree that your words are false.. Numbers don't lie.

      When was the last time you even made a pro-New-Order statement? What proof do I have that you have ever even considered opening up your heart and mind to James 315 and the New Order of Highsec and The Truth Of
      The Code?

      No, it's infinitely more likely that just another bitter carebear, endlessly spewing his inane and dangerous filth... If you're not, say something positive about James 315 and the New Order. Otherwise, you're welcome to stay here and argue... The New Order will win out in the end.

    13. Lots of confused people. When have I ever fabricated statements? Slander and lies do not an argument make! Gorilla has publicly declared his support for James 315 on the Eve forums, and is a CODE supporter.

      We have an objective screenshot providing irrefutable proof that CODE revokes permits for being AFK while in station. Permits - the best scam in town.

    14. Might want to go back and read The Code again Veers. Here, I'll help.

      No AFK mining allowed. All miners are expected to remain at their keyboards ***at all times***, and are required to prove their presence by responding in local when requested by the Supreme Protector or one of his Agents.

      Note the portion between asterisks. AT ALL TIMES. At all times includes "docked up in station".

      If you're ever in the unfortunate situation of being AFK in Highsec, it's just a good idea to go ahead and log out. That, or find an Agent and beg permission to go AFK. Most Agents are very understanding, and will permit you to leave the keyboard for short amounts of time, so long as you're properly docked up.

    15. I think we all know permits are a scam. The ultimate joke James315 is making on carebears to extract more tears. New Order Agents are playing into the joke by defending the permits even though everybody knows the truth behind the words.
      No need to argue about this friends :)

  5. tastes like strawberry?

    1. We have a winner!

    2. I concur. Strawberry is exactly what it tastes like.

  6. Why do you continue to harass other players?

    1. Because they can. This is not EVE this is the internet.
      As long as people are able to grief anonymously and without consequences, they will be someone to do it.
      Right now this someone is James315 and his goonies. Tomorrow it will be someone else.

  7. The Code ALWAYS Wins!!!!! ALWAYS!!!!


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