Friday, September 1, 2017

Over One Trillion Five Hundred Forty-Four Billion in Shares Sold

Let's get down to business.

As you all know, Agent Ben Li aka Zula Terra created a corporation and used it to purchase an unprecedented 315 billion isk worth of shares. The news sent shockwaves across highsec. Many Anti-Gankers are still trembling and babbling senselessly--and some of that is due to the news.

But we in the New Order are used to shattering records and defying the conventional wisdom; that's what it means to be elite EVE players. So let's treat this monumental occasion accordingly.


I'm quitting Eve PV Rock I want to talk with you purchased 315,000 shares of New Order stock. This put us over the 1,227, 1,228, 1,229, 1,230, 1,231, 1,232, 1,233, 1,234, 1,235, 1,236, 1,237, 1,238, 1,239, 1,240, 1,241, 1,242, 1,243, 1,244, 1,245, 1,246, 1,247, 1,248, 1,249, 1,250, 1,251, 1,252, 1,253, 1,254, 1,255, 1,256, 1,257, 1,258, 1,259, 1,260, 1,261, 1,262, 1,263, 1,264, 1,265, 1,266, 1,267, 1,268, 1,269, 1,270, 1,271, 1,272, 1,273, 1,274, 1,275, 1,276, 1,277, 1,278, 1,279, 1,280, 1,281, 1,282, 1,283, 1,284, 1,285, 1,286, 1,287, 1,288, 1,289, 1,290, 1,291, 1,292, 1,293, 1,294, 1,295, 1,296, 1,297, 1,298, 1,299, 1,300, 1,301, 1,302, 1,303, 1,304, 1,305, 1,306, 1,307, 1,308, 1,309, 1,310, 1,311, 1,312, 1,313, 1,314, 1,315, 1,316, 1,317, 1,318, 1,319, 1,320, 1,321, 1,322, 1,323, 1,324, 1,325, 1,326, 1,327, 1,328, 1,329, 1,330, 1,331, 1,332, 1,333, 1,334, 1,335, 1,336, 1,337, 1,338, 1,339, 1,340, 1,341, 1,342, 1,343, 1,344, 1,345, 1,346, 1,347, 1,348, 1,349, 1,350, 1,351, 1,352, 1,353, 1,354, 1,355, 1,356, 1,357, 1,358, 1,359, 1,360, 1,361, 1,362, 1,363, 1,364, 1,365, 1,366, 1,367, 1,368, 1,369, 1,370, 1,371, 1,372, 1,373, 1,374, 1,375, 1,376, 1,377, 1,378, 1,379, 1,380, 1,381, 1,382, 1,383, 1,384, 1,385, 1,386, 1,387, 1,388, 1,389, 1,390, 1,391, 1,392, 1,393, 1,394, 1,395, 1,396, 1,397, 1,398, 1,399, 1,400, 1,401, 1,402, 1,403, 1,404, 1,405, 1,406, 1,407, 1,408, 1,409, 1,410, 1,411, 1,412, 1,413, 1,414, 1,415, 1,416, 1,417, 1,418, 1,419, 1,420, 1,421, 1,422, 1,423, 1,424, 1,425, 1,426, 1,427, 1,428, 1,429, 1,430, 1,431, 1,432, 1,433, 1,434, 1,435, 1,436, 1,437, 1,438, 1,439, 1,440, 1,441, 1,442, 1,443, 1,444, 1,445, 1,446, 1,447, 1,448, 1,449, 1,450, 1,451, 1,452, 1,453, 1,454, 1,455, 1,456, 1,457, 1,458, 1,459, 1,460, 1,461, 1,462, 1,463, 1,464, 1,465, 1,466, 1,467, 1,468, 1,469, 1,470, 1,471, 1,472, 1,473, 1,474, 1,475, 1,476, 1,477, 1,478, 1,479, 1,480, 1,481, 1,482, 1,483, 1,484, 1,485, 1,486, 1,487, 1,488, 1,489, 1,490, 1,491, 1,492, 1,493, 1,494, 1,495, 1,496, 1,497, 1,498, 1,499, 1,500, 1,501, 1,502, 1,503, 1,504, 1,505, 1,506, 1,507, 1,508, 1,509, 1,510, 1,511, 1,512, 1,513, 1,514, 1,515, 1,516, 1,517, 1,518, 1,519, 1,520, 1,521, 1,522, 1,523, 1,524, 1,525, 1,526, 1,527, 1,528, 1,529, 1,530, 1,531, 1,532, 1,533, 1,534, 1,535, 1,536, 1,537, 1,538, 1,539, 1,540, and 1,541 billion isk marks.

That's a lot of billion isk marks.

Unsurprisingly, this purchase made I'm quitting Eve PV Rock I want to talk with you the New Order's #1 ranked shareholder of all time--beating even the Permabanned Heroes of the Code by over 100,000 shares. Want to be in the top ten? Want to be in the top five? It just got a little more difficult. No matter, though; there's always more shares to be purchased.

Since Ben Li wanted to use the purchase as a way to get a message to PV Rock, he made a special request for the purchase to be at the top of the "Top Supporters" sidebar for longer than the usual period (which would end when September's supporters start being featured, a few days from now). Given the special circumstances, I decided to grant that request. However, I soon received word that the request was being retracted, because...

The CODE always wins. Always!

Now here comes the tricky part. What sort of a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™ would someone be entitled to upon purchasing 315,000 shares?

We examined a similar problem last year when PV Rock himself purchased 142 billion isk worth of shares, which earned him a Double Unseptuagintuple Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™. Do we use a similar method here, taking the tuple for 105 and tripling it? Do we use three centuples and and a quindecuple and bond them with some kind of Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™ unifier?

After considerable reflection, I decided to go in a different direction.

I'm quitting Eve PV Rock I want to talk with you earns a Saviourtuple Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™.

There. That feels right.

Oh, and a couple other things: Black Pedro's purchase of 1,000 additional shares sent us past the 1,542 billion isk mark, earning him a Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™, and Navillus Enaka purchased 2,400 shares, which sent us past the 1,543 and 1,544 billion isk marks and earned her a Double Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat™.

It's hard not to be overshadowed when you purchase stock the same week as the guy who drops 315 billion isk on shares, but our shareholders don't buy stock for the recognition--they do it to save highsec.

One final note. Now, you all know that I am a sensitive soul (although I also possess all of the positive qualities associated with not being a sensitive soul). As a result, I'm keenly aware of the fact that while today is a day of great celebration for the New Order, many bot-aspirant miners and Anti-Gankers are deeply, deeply hurting right now. Their own miserable little piles of isk must seem so meaningless in the face of the New Order's triumph.

To them, I offer a message of hope: Open your hearts to the Code or you'll never experience joy in EVE again.

So that's it. Our shareholders have now spent over 1.5 trillion isk on New Order shares. At the risk of sending the bitter Anti-Gankers over the edge and inspiring another round of huzzahs from the good guys, dare I whisper the words, "two trillion"?


  1. Anti-gankers! James has spoken!

    "Open your hearts to the Code or you'll never experience joy in EVE again."

    There is fun to be had in this game. Don't postpone joy!

    1. So why do you and James hide in High sec?

    2. Freedom Fighter, to should rephrase your thought

    3. There is much fun in Eve but you and James remain hiding in high sec where the carebears play.

  2. "Saviourtuple Supreme Protector's Tip of the Hat"

    That made me smile.

    Now I want one. (:

  3. CODE. wins again like ALWAYS.

  4. EvE players seem to form strong friendships. The real EvE players of course, not the hisec minor killer ag types. ag is just too toxic to make friends, they seem to have a lot of hate in their hearts. I mean how mad you gotta be to threaten or wish rl harm on someone over a video game?

    Jeezus, you kalynn fanbois really need to calm down, miners.

    I am glad I was recruited into a null alliance when I started the game, I would hate to think that I had to live around the criminals and murderers that CODE. has to deal with every day.

    Highsec Gankers, thank you for your service! O7

    1. Oh the little wanna be pvp'ers that hide in high sec just like the miners they fight. Good job but your still miners.

  5. The march to two trillion!


    Chin up, anti-gankers and butthurt anime of all stripe!

    -Galaxy Pig

    1. Yay high sec carebears made lots of money with an AG bail out.

  6. You will be missed Zula. You sure know how to make an exit.

  7. Does this mean we can use gank Vindicators now?

  8. The Code Always Wins! Always! Praise James! 1000 years!


    1. Actually concord always wins that's why high sec belongs to them.

      Keep trying code miners

  9. Thank you Zula for the generous gift! It will be put to good use!

  10. You realise what this means?

    Holy Chribba's disgusting Veldnaught is no longer safe.

    Chribba, for the love of James, buy your permit today!

    1. Have fun with that I look forward to seeing many more of you being thrashed by concord

  11. I found a "Real" Botter in my system, he was stuck against the station trying to warp for 6 hours straight. his name is GraseFul.i've reported him to CCP but they don't give a shit. how they can't catch a botter failing to warp for 6 hours. CCP is pathetic and incompetent at their jobs. please oh lord, our saviour do something about it, i beg you.

    1. I like how you cry and beg. If CCP were incompetent you wouldn't have this game to play. I am the RealBotter.

    2. More code tears, always fun to watch. "CCP help me people are doing bad things."

  12. wow antigankers are failing so hard right now

  13. Saviourtuple Supreme

    Say that three times fast!

  14. That was an epic CSPA charge. PV, please lower or remove your CSPA. Zula is now space-poor.

    1. You're poor code miner.

    2. Code still pretending to be PVP'ers. Still children playing with toys.

      What hurts your pride more, the written truth or the reflection of your failures in low sec.


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