Here are our top isk contributors for December 2013:
December 2013

#1. Bao Xi
5,000,000,000 isk

#1. Luthien DeTelerin
5,000,000,000 isk

#3. Slave A00073078
3,500,000,000 isk

#4. Capsti Bashere
2,500,000,000 isk

#5. Bing Bangboom
500,000,000 isk

#5. Janine Frost
500,000,000 isk

#7. Leia Jadesol
315,000,000 isk

#8. Mister McDerp
300,000,000 isk

#9. MajorBean
200,000,000 isk

#10. Decima Technologies
150,000,000 isk
In only a year, the Knights of the Order were built into the finest fighting force in highsec. So many miners and other bot-aspirant carebears have been blessed with a level of interactive gameplay that they couldn't have imagined before the New Order. The fuel for our war machine is courage and honour. Aside from that, it's isk--money that comes directly from our shareholders. Astonishing generosity with equally astonishing results.
Heros, every dang one of them, heros!