Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Moderation in the Pursuit of the Code Is No Virtue

Of all the complaints I see from the bot-aspirants, my favorite may be the one that goes, "The New Order used to stand for something good, but now they've lost their way." Granted, it's an insincere complaint; it only comes from random carebears, not from people who ever actually supported the New Order at any time. Even so, the argument makes me smile, because it's pretty close to an admission of the New Order's dominance in highsec. Remember when carebears used to say the New Order didn't exist, or that the Code was a joke? Now they admit it was right all along--but claim it is corrupted.

Here we go. Elayne Feather accused our Agents of departing from the Code. Elayne went further than most in professing her support for my "original beliefs". She supported the true spirit of the Code with all her heart, she said. Caution! Carebears don't always have hearts as big as yours or mine:

Elayne's heart didn't take her very far. She had no mining permit and was caught flying an untanked Retriever. I shudder to think of what Elayne would do if her heart was less than 100% in the Code, or if she opposed us.

Elayne was caught red-handed. Instead of apologizing, she saw in her punishment a jumping-off point for a rant about the New Order and its Agents. But even on this occasion, the proud miner couldn't quite bring herself to admit that she'd lost a 39 million isk Retriever--she was "set back 25 mil".

Then Elayne confessed that it wasn't even her Retriever to begin with. Somehow I doubt she apologized to her CEO for the way she'd misused the mining barge. She probably asked for another one, and then told the CEO she had growing doubts about his leadership style.

Before Elayne wrote to me about her disappointments, she penned an essay in which she lectured some of our finest Agents about the Code.

It became clear that Elayne was one of those "moderates" you sometimes hear about. While claiming to support the Code, she had a very different vision of the Code's history. Compare it to the true history, as documented in the pages of MinerBumping and other canonical works. One can hardly recognize this kinder, gentler Code of hers! Gone was the urgency, the moral imperatives, the calls for justice, the antimatter and brimstone.

Elayne couldn't conceal her biases. The valiant warriors who bested her Retriever in mortal combat were accused of being "second rate suicide gankers". Everyone knows our suicide gankers are first rate. In any case, they were good enough to kill her.

In a few haughty paragraphs, the miner dismissed years of indispensable New Order traditions that good highsec citizens have built their lives around. Then, with the utmost disrespect, she cast down our sainted Agents. In their place, she raised up her own, utterly unorthodox views of the Code. This was turning out to be one shocking EVEmail.

Elayne's missive did not go unanswered. Agent Kalorned leapt to the task, putting the miner straight by quoting from MinerBumping posts such as the stirring conclusion to Who You Gonna Call? Part 2:
There it was. Taylor Who--the new player who had never heard about the New Order or the Code or Agents or James 315 or tank modules or any of it--showed his true colors. He admitted he'd heard about the New Order. What he heard wasn't flattering or true, but he had heard of us. Even the new miners know about the Code. The New Order's presence is too big to ignore, even for a bot-aspirant. They don't need a "warning" before they get ganked. They've already been warned. Carebears of highsec, the time for warnings is over. The time for payment has come.
Powerful stuff. Even Elayne couldn't deny it. And this is why the New Order has established such a vast educational apparatus--so that the miners of highsec are not carried away like chaff in the wind by every new heresy that comes along.

The truth is, the Code has never been soft. Our Code is not about leaving miners in peace, but driving them to submission. If they don't like it, I hear there's some good rental space out in nullsec these days.


  1. meh seems legit

  2. "Our Code is not about leaving miners in peace, but driving them to submission."

    That pretty much says it all right there :)

    Fantastic work. I love having a living and breathing Saviour to put things so succinctly

    1. James certainly doesn't sugarcoat it. He's all about the Realtalk™.

    2. In other words, "Gank them, gank them again, and then once more. Right or wrong does not matter, just the killboards"

    3. @minger yes because "driving them to submission " is what you do isn't it mr "wholesale slaughter" LOL


    5. @ 1:45

      Calm down there champ, you may get hurt with all of that idiotic rolling around on the floor :D

  3. Looks like another code victory!!!

    Long live James 315 and the new order of high sec.

  4. Replies
    1. Wolf Soprano,

      You sir have been deemed "subhuman" by the New Order of Hitler. Someone get 'it' out of my sight and send the dog to the ovens to have the "subhuman" burned out of "it"!

    2. Give it up fake Ming. The real agents post with valid accounts, not cowardly anonymity. Afraid someone might figure out who you are? Oh noes :)

  5. Oh and I just caught the hidden joke in the title!

    A Saviour that not only lives and breathes, but is aware of the fight His Agents face, and is truly standing there with us, as we fight through the thick and thin of the carebear scourge!

    1. The only joke is ming itself.

    2. truly standing there with us, as we fight through the thick and thin of the carebear scourge!

      more comedy gold from ming "the merciless" LOL

  6. No wonder james keeps you around mingle, at least you admit it.

  7. being that upset you need to imitate someone XD

  8. I'm still butthurt about not being on the top 10 douche bag list anymore, and being scammed out of 11B isk. At least I have James's big fat cock to keep my happy :)

    1. meh seems made up

    2. @Fake Ming9:29
      These tears (and that's what they are) never fail to entertain me.

      I'm so happy that you are so upset by the things I say, that you have to try so hard to show others exactly what you think of me.

      You truly embody the carebear spirit, as James 315 has envisioned.

      You show everyone how awesome, fluid, and original the Code is, and, by comparison, how weak and unable-to-deal-with-adversity that the carebear is.

      I thank you for your many months of proud service.

    3. Fake ming @ 2:12 pm calls real ming @ 9:29 fake. Oh the irony.

    4. more amusing imaginings from minger.

    5. IDK Ming..he seems to have an unhealthy fixation on you..rather more like an obsession. I know what that's like...it's rather creepy tbh. I wonder if he spends his time off of game obsessing about Code and you. Actually...it's probably better not to know. Some people need to seek help..or some friends..some kind of healthy interaction. God knows he doesn't have a woman..that's obvious..hehehe

  9. You socialpaths, can't you all just leave me alone

    1. I kind of like that word. "Socialpaths" = People who like to kill others as a team. I think the New Order should wear that one proudly.

  10. because it's pretty close to an admission of the New Order's dominance in highsec.
    oh how i lol'd when i read this

    1. Have proof that it doesn't, miner?

    2. don't need to prove anything codes "dominance" is about as true as jimmy boys "proxy vote " election (it never happened).
      or codes AT victory (again never happened ) simple as that.
      you can say the exact opposite it makes no difference.

    3. Just because you were AFK during the vote, doesn't mean it never happened

    4. never happened i'm never afk (unless my computer is off ) or i'm in a station.

    5. just because you say it happened doesn't mean it did.

    6. @ 12:15

      "Unless my computer is off or I'm in a station"

      Isn't that the textbook definition of being AFK?

    7. so even you must do it then ?

    8. Its not our fault you couldn't be bothered to log in for High-Sec's most important vote in its history then. You want your voice heard, show up next time.

    9. can't show up for something that never happened.

    10. But it did. You just weren't paying attention.

    11. You were likely too busy locking onto a rock and pressing F1.

    12. There was no notice of any vote, and that was done so that the buffoon could claim he had the right to use proxies, but when one person hold a vote and makes the voting rules like that it shows the whole election for the farce that it is, no matter what you saw, the use of proxies without permission is not valid and no legitimate election ever held allowed such a thing...

    13. yeah the vote happened like you lot won the AT happenned.

    14. nope...i'm afraid thats another myth.

    15. Anon...just because you don't accept something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You can deny all you want. The fact is, Code has made more of a difference than any entity has. There's no denying that. Just the very fact you are here to attempt to argue that fact just solidifies it. Code is in your head. You're welcome :)

    16. I would rather be known for having a bleeding heart then to be known for not having a heart.


    17. @ 10:18

      Yup, that's why I'm with the New Order. The code is a very forgiving organization willing to give anyone a chance for redemption, even with repeat offenders.

  11. More proof that the Code ALWAYS wins!!! ALWAYS!!!

    For proof of this victory just look at -=M=-'s/ImposterAnon's posts above. So much tears. Keep up the good work fellow agents!!!

  12. More risk more isk. I wish the EVE tutorials would teach that lesson better. You can, even as a new player, find a nice home in low or null sec... you have to pay attention to your surroundings. It's rewarding ingame and in RL. You have fun.
    Code just brings low to high sec. Without the rewards for the "victims". Mostly their own fault. Sometimes just bad luck. With hard isk loss for the "victim" (because of the f... grind in high sec) and with fun for Code (fun win - no real isk lost).

    I would rather post a GF in local, than to write a long (in this case well) written mail.

    A Solo Player.

  13. Anti-ganking is non-stop failing daily

  14. Now hear this There is sale going on for tonight and tonight only!

    Blow jobs: $3
    Fuck: $7
    Anal: $10

    1. i cant imagine being that mad at code/new order that you have to imitate their top agents

    2. It's true what they say, imitation is really the highest form of flattery. Said it before, will say it again - the bot-aspirant cannot possibly win in game, and is left only with random trolling of a blog in order to somehow feel that they have "gotten back" at the brave agents.

    3. sure if you say so. :)

    4. @ fake kaely...Now hear this...you are pathetic...lol. You wish. I am WAY out of your league little one. Only in your dreams would you ever has a chance at someone like me. You keep on dreaming now kiddo :)

    5. Fake kaely above sure gets mad at the real kaely. ^^^

    6. @ 10:50

      He did say so, Thanks for agreeing with him. Chocolate Mooses does bring up a good point. All AG and carebears have is coming here to flood a blog with their glorious tears through their fail trolling on a blog that was created to harvest their tears.

      You see ImposterAnon thinks he/she is winning by doing this, when in reality they are just entertaining the rest of us.

      The Code ALWAYS wins!!!! ALWAYS!!!!!

    7. Anon 5:52..you are so clever. :) That is what your mom tells you too isn't it? You see, I don't get mad like you do. I feel no need to impersonate someone to rant like a pre-teen. I feel no need to go on an AG forum and troll. Why? Because IDGAF...obviously you do. Enough to spend time here and feel us your tears. We have obviously achieved our goal..what have you achieved? By all means, let the tear flood gate open. I'll grab my life preserver :)

  15. this carebear was at least honest and nice. i kind of feel bad for her.

  16. So, everyone's true colors are finally shown.

    I for one have decided to follow my own Code, and it boils down to something oversimplified, like this:

    1. I'll shoot whatever I want, whenever I want. Botters first, then everything else in order of proximity.

    2. The only real police is CONCORD. They are the only invincible objects out there -- otherwise, I'd shoot them just like anything else that might tickle my fancy.

    3. Permits? Pah! I'd rather have a quick ransom from a fat carebear who'd sit on their laurels and shuck over a few mil rather than die. As for the bots, they won't pay up anyway, so I'm going to simply shoot them.

    4. I'm not going to hide behind some code while I enjoy a few tears. I prefer drinking that natural spring water instead of taking pains to apply so many filters to them...

    5. I'll come in and out of highsec whenever I want, and wherever I want. MY permits are my guns and drones. If you don't like it, come and get some.

    1. look out we have a internet tough guy

    2. I bet he's got powerful friends in null sec

    3. @Alexander Draegar
      It sounds like the carebear way doesn't appeal to you, and I guess that's a pretty good thing- the Code is actually very tolerant of non-PvE playstyles, and you might even be following the Code and not even know it.

      The Code is primarily meant as a treatment and deterrent to those who would become "bot-aspirant," or better defined as "someone who spends ones improvement resources to become something that more closely resembles a bot." If you are shooting "fat carebears," so to speak, then it doesn't sound likely that you and the New Order are going to run afoul of each other. We might even be on the same side.

      However, there is no harm in buying a permit- as we say, to those who don't conduct PvE activities in James 315 Space. A permit simply marks you as one of the "cool kids," and looks fashionable in any bio, and lets us know we're on the same side. They're only 10 million isk, which someone like you knows isn't a lot, and helps support a good cause- causing people who think PvE activities are greater than PvP activities to come around to the truth or quit the game.

      Anyhow, fly safe, and have a Code-Compliant day!

    4. No, a new order permit marks you as a weak sucker....

    5. we of the code are not griefers they say.
      then in the next breath they say if you do not play our way well will grief you until you do, or quit the game and they say the carebears are hypocrites.

    6. Anon@4:17, do you think it's possible to non-consensually shoot someone and have that not be griefing? Or is non-consensual combat inherently "griefing" to you? Because, in case you've somehow failed to understand this about us, we don't think that non-consensual pvp (which is a fundamental part of Eve's design philosophy) is griefing. And that's all we do to carebears, we subject them to nonconsensual pvp until they either HTFU or leave for a game whose design they don't object to quite so strongly.

    7. nice spin maria....but what you do is force the way you play on someone repeatedly until they leave or quit.it's that simple.
      non consensual pvp is not what you do, because you rerpeatedly do it to the same people over and over which in my book is griefing

    8. Ok, so non-consensual pvp is fine, but if it happens more than once, then it's griefing? That's your line, if someone shoots you once it's entirely healthy and within game mechanics, but if they shoot you twice then they're griefing you?

      So are wardecs always griefing then, since people fight the same people more than once? Or do wardecs only become griefing when the aggressor extends the war?

    9. here's a question then maria.
      if i move to uedama and mine without a permit, will you or will you (code) not repeatedly gank me until i buy a permit, leave uedama, or quit eve ?

      please try to answer without spin if you possibly can.

    10. The whole new order paradigm is designed to get people to rage, and they keep it going for as long as possible each time they do something...that makes it griefing...

    11. are you really trying to say you only gank a pilot once then leave them be ?

    12. what you do and a war dec are completely different and you know it .

    13. Well at least Alexander Draegar has the strength of conviction to post with his in-game character name. It isn't much, but it's still better than most of the carebears.

    14. Now taking bets on how soon before he gets harassed by code (entirely in game of course).

    15. it's probably already happened .

    16. can't answer my question without putting a spin on it then i guess eh maria ?

    17. @Anon5:31
      Why would we harass Alexander Draegar?

      Not only does he seem like he's following the Code, it seems like he already knows the lessons he teaches by heart.

      Really, it seems like he's already on our side.

    18. Uh, dude, I work for a living. Relax a little, will you?

      It's funny that you tried to preemptively say that what we do and wardecs are completely different. They're not, really. You could say that we are permanent war with all non-compliant miners. Although really, the best metaphor for how CODE operates is probably how every nullsec alliance operates.

      If you are in a nullsec alliance, and people try to fly into and start using your space, you attack them. You attack them over and over again, until either they leave or you are forced to surrender that space. That's not considered "griefing", that's considered "duh, of course that's what you do".

      We consider Highsec to be our space. So we defend it from interlopers who would use it without authorization. Either you consider every nullsec group ever to be engaged in constant non-stop griefing, or you acknowledge that what we do isn't griefing. If you have trouble with the "but your name isn't displayed on that space in-game" concept, please remember that wormhole groups defend their holes without having formal in-game claim to them, and that's also not griefing.

    19. @Anon5:36
      To answer your above complaint:

      Non-consensual PvP is what we do, because that is fully within the scope and spirit of Eve Online, and we are within our rights to do it.

      Those who don't like it have always been welcome to quit the game. Or they can comply with our laws. Or they can resist, and be utterly destroyed by our hands. Or they can join us, and help us carry out our very important work.

      There is no option to "just be left alone," because we do not see that as an option. And because we do not recognize or respect the opinion of anyone who thinks so. And nobody will ever force us to do so.

    20. yep just as i thought you had to try and spin me a story instead of admitting that if i did move to uedama with no permit you would repeatedly attack me until i did what you think i should do even if i disagree with you .... griefer.
      the fact that you "consider " high sec yours means nothing, it is not yours.(regardless of what you say that little thing called "sovereignity" actually means something)
      null sec "sovreignity" owners defend what is theirs they own it, it has their name on it, code owns nothing, it just says we should believe it does because it says so thats ridiculous.

    21. Those who don't like it have always been welcome to quit the game.

      spoken like a true griefer (if you actually did and fighting of course)

    22. We defend our space everyday from criminals that would threaten our territory. You can check any agents killboard, mine included, for proof of this.

    23. @Ming Tso May 20, 2015 at 6:25 PM

      your whole statement is like a page from "griefing " 101
      and you will not be "utterly destroying " anything
      mr "wholesale slaughter" LOL

    24. when ccp puts codes name in the top left corner of my screen i'll believe you, until then it's all lies.

    25. @ming No need for long posts full of lies, after all your killboard stats over the last year speak for themselves.

    26. well at least you give concord something to do asia well done .

    27. He with the guns, make the rules. He with the ability to protect or fight for their claims own the territory. Code does both. If you don't like getting ganked..arm yourself if you're gonna mine in code space. Code doesn't own it you say? I beg to differ..he who can hold claim through greater power holds the space...as it is in Eve..as it is in rl. Do something about it if you don't like it. Crying like a baby and living in denial is not gonna change it. Take your WOW mentality and definition of griefing back to WOW with you. This is EVE...get used to it. What is griefing in another game is sanctioned game play here. If you can't handle that, I suggest rainbows and ponies online. :)

    28. Anon, what do you know of wormhole corps? They claim and defend territory through repeated violence. Their names are not, and cannot be displayed on the top left of the screen, since sov can't be claimed in wormholes. Are wormholers all griefers?

      Oh, and I didn't think this was necessary, but apparently it is: if you were to try mining in uedama, you would absolutely be shot in the face until you stopped. Just like if you tried to mine in someone else's wormhole. Neither of those things are griefing, they're just players defending their territory. Why do you have so much difficulty with that concept?

  17. Alexander, are you bored and socially isolated?

  18. meh seems made up

  19. You know you've reached the bottom when your best recourse is to feebly impersonate someone else to post prepubescent comments and sexual slander. Does someone need a hug? Maybe it's past your bed time...you shouldn't be up this late on a school night :P

  20. for some reason i could not hit reply so had to make new comment.
    my appologies.

    @Kaely Kakes
    what you say would be valid if each time you ganked a miner or freighter concord did not kill you.
    the fact they do makes what you do a criminal act.that easy.
    if your (codes) name was in the top lleft corner of my screen again your claim is valid,and once again it's not so your not right. all the spin in the world will not make it so.
    and as a side note i have never played wow and have no interest in doing so.

    1. @ maria
      yep you can claim and fight over wormholes all day long and not get your name on them and thats the way ccp designed it.
      they don't work like the rest of new eden as you know with all the effects they have on ships and weapons and such.
      WH space and high sec are clearly very different high sec is owned by various organisations (code not being one of them) and they have laws (namely concord)
      code lives in high sec not WH space, there is no concord in WH space so you can indeed do whatever you wish, pretty much like null and low high sec has laws which if broken get you killed, no one knows this better than code because they are a criminal operation thats why concord kills you during or after every gank.
      your criminals nothing more, each time you gank your breaking the law of high sec (concords law) so you die thats what happens to criminals in high sec (you don't get -10 sec status by being an upstanding citizen).
      your just criminals.

    2. So wormholes are different from the rest of space because they sometimes have weird effects on your ship. But highsec has incursions, and incursions also have weird effects on your ship. So they're the same! At least, if you're really going to argue "controlling your territory is only ok in wormholes because they have weird effects on your ship".

      Ooh, or even better. CONCORD is highsec's version of wormhole effects. It's a weird effect on your ship, which makes it explode some seconds after initiating combat. That affects what the best tactics are for combat, but it doesn't prevent combat. There we go. So CONCORD, that thing you keep pointing to as if they were the real police, are the reason why CODE is justified in protecting its space. Because....wormhole effects.

      Man, you're really off the deep end huh? We have the right to defend our space because we have the ability to defend our space. That simple. If CCP didn't want us shooting your ship, they could easily make it impossible for us to do so. They don't make it impossible, so they're ok with it happening. They're ok with it happening, and it's their game, so it's ok for us to do. Not griefing, not criminal, not whatever other delusions you have about how we're real-life baddies because we violenced your mining barge. Jeez, dude, relax, go outside a little. This is a game, stop getting so pissy over it.

  21. Well said fake kaely @ 5:18
    Quote: You know you've reached the bottom when your best recourse is to feebly impersonate someone else.

  22. So wormholes are different from the rest of space because they sometimes have weird effects on your ship.

    nope i was saying you can claim ownership in a WH because it's like the "wild west" there any you can do whatever you like.
    high sec is already "owned " by various organisations (not code)

    Ooh, or even better. CONCORD is highsec's version of wormhole effects. It's a weird effect on your ship, which makes it explode some seconds after initiating combat.

    no weird effect to concord ...you commit a crime they blow you up (thats why code dies so much) because your criminals.

    CONCORD, that thing you keep pointing to as if they were the real police,
    they are the "real " and only police in high sec.

    We have the right to defend our space because we have the ability to defend our space.
    you don't own any space (ownership means your name in top left corner of screen ).

    If CCP didn't want us shooting your ship, they could easily make it impossible for us to do so. They don't make it impossible, so they're ok with it happening. They're ok with it happening, and it's their game,
    this is very true but they also make you subject to the punishment of the criminal acts you commit (concord) if what you did was not a crime concord would not attack you. that simple.
    the delusion is all codes

    1. Ok, Writing 101.

      ^that symbol up there, it's something called a quotation mark. You use it when you want to indicate that certain text is a quote, or a special term. So for example, when you said:

      "the delusion is all codes"

      The little vertical lines around the text indicate that I am repeating something that you said. When you quote me in order to try to refute me, use quotation marks. They make your comments more readable.

      Anyway, ok, so you believe we're in-game criminals. That's nice. Why do you keep on repeating it? I'm genuinely confused, do you expect us to feel, I dunno, shame because the weird wormhole-effect of "lose your ship after 15ish seconds of combat" that highsec has means we lose our ships? We're fine with getting criminal status for 15 minutes after each heroic act of Code enforcement, and we're fine with losing ships to Concord. We're over it; maybe you should try to get over it as well.

      "you don't own any space (ownership means your name in top left corner of screen )."

      Except that we already established that wormholers own their holes, and they don't get their name in the top left corner of the screen. Just like nullsec renters own the space they rent out, although often the owners' names aren't the ones on the top left corner of the screen. If wormholers can own their holes, and nullsec renters can own their rental empires (which, duh, they can), then we can own space without having our names on the top-left corner of the screen. And you wonder why we consider you bot-aspirants, you have so much difficulty with even the simplest aspects of emergent gameplay.

    2. i'll ignore your expected attempt at being superior.
      renters downt own they "rent" (thats why subletting things in the real world is illegal in most places).

      and i repeat your criminals because of this.

      " so it's ok for us to do. Not griefing, not criminal"
      you keep denying it.

      and ownership and being able to keep something by force of arms are completely different.

    3. @ 8:13

      "and ownersip and being able to keep something by force pf arms are completely different"

      Not really. And it must really suck to be you, because we are currently in possession of High sec, by means of actually being able to defend our space.

      Actual sovereignty has nothing to do with it. If me and a group of my friends decide to claim ownership over a system and we can say to have owned the system until such time we are either kicked out by force, or forced to move on due to enemy interference.

      Code has yet to suffer any of the above fates and actively defends our space, so one can say we own the space as we are able to operate without any enemy interference what-so-ever.

    4. thats because you stay in high sec "paper tiger"
      null sec still can't hear your mewling ...lol

    5. Well...denial is not a river in Egypt. It doesn't matter whether you accept it or not. It doesn't change the fact it is what it is. You spend far too much time trying to analyze a game mechanic. I suggest doing something else. You can argue all you want. Mine in our space, you will be popped..end of story. You may get away with it once..maybe a few times. But eventually you will learn..one can only hope.

    6. hahah denial ..river in egypt ... hahaha hilarious.
      there is nothing code can teach me, not a damn thing.

    7. yeah us decent residents of new eden can't be seen associating with criminals like code, it brings the neighbourhood down.

  23. @ 5:54

    Please tell me more about how to become as creative as you. Can you guys come up with something we haven't heard 100 times before?

  24. In the time it took him to write that much, he could of replaced his retriever. Or he could just stop mining and do something that is worth his time. Funny article, keep it up :)


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